Jul 14, 2009

What we've been up to...

Meant to put all our happenings into separate posts as they happened but sometimes life gets ahead of you. So here's a few pictures from the last month.

Here's the dog run that Andy put together for Ash. She hasn't used it yet though because we still need to find her a dog house.

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We've also been remodelling the kitchen. So far Andy, his brothers and his dad have taken out the drop ceiling, rewired the room, installed can lights, and cut a hole in the wall to join the living room with the kitchen. Next up is more mudding, then cabinets, paint, and flooring. I'll be so glad when this is done.

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And of course...gardening!! My favorite thing ever right now! Look at all the new stuff that has shown up in the last week.

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And good golly miss molly, look at this broccolli taking over the world!!

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And our beautimous flowers! Look at that pink lily. We got that purdy little thing just this morning. Totally made my day!

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A couple of weeks back we decided to start training the cats.use the cat door. We thought it would be so nice if they could let themselves in and out of the house. Henry started to figure it out and Mauney figured out how to let herself back in when she didn't want to be out. We thought all was going well until Ash mysteriously began to appear in the living room without anyone knowing who let her in. Turns out she also figured out how to let herself in. Surprised the hell out of us that she could actually fit through the door! Not sure what we're going to do about that just yet.

Sorry the picture is not that great. It's hard to spy on her and take pictures at the same time.


Lastly, some pictures of mine and Andy's camping trip and time in Jackson Hole, Wy.

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Sorry about the sideways pic. I'm just too lazy to fix it right now. Have a great day!


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