Our problem was that the entire earwig race had decided to take up residence in our yard and munched nearly everything I'd taken the time to plant. The most disheartening were my precious dahlias that had been eaten clean down to the stems.
"All my flowers are deeeeaaadd!! I give up. I'm never planting anything... ever... again!" I had moaned, slumping down on my glider to pout.
"Ah, don't be such a Negative Nancy." Andy said. Then he took me to Home Depot and bought me some insect killer.
I think it's helped because things seem to be reviving themselves. Andy really can fix anything. Now I feel like I have something to show off finally!
Anyway, here's what I've spied so far this summer:
First up, is the garden. This is how it looked in June. See those plants lined up against the fence? Those are my giant sunflower plants.
Here's a blurry picture of how tall my sunflowers were two weeks ago:
And this is how tall they were yesterday. No blooms yet, but they're almost ready!

Our garden is looking pretty good too!

I put together some planters this summer to set on either side of our new glider.

They are the envy of the neighbor ladies :)

The glider still needs a paint job. We'll get to that after we finish the other 2 zillion things on our To Do List.

More flowers from our yard...
These daisies came from Andy's aunt. I can't believe how they completely took over the space!
A lot of these flowers were freebies from Andy's parents yard. I got some of them from one of our neighbors too. Can't beat that! Sorry about the blurry pictures. I'm still learning how to use Andy's fancy camera.
Bleeding Heart:





Day Lily:


One of the dahlia's that got eaten:

One of the dahlia's that survived the massacre:





Mystery flower:

And there's still more to look forward to as the summer goes on!
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