Then she took herself to the kitchen. After a short time, I decided I best check on her. She's trangressed in the kitchen in the past and it just plain weren't good.
I couldn't find her.
The oven door was slightly ajar for some reason, so I peered inside.
Thank goodness. But where was she?
Then I heard a *chirp* behind me. It was the sound that her and Henry sometimes make when they're feeling quite content.
I turned around and this is what I saw.
That's my kitchen drawer, with my oven mitts in it. It doesn't have a top on it because we haven't put the countertop on yet.
I'm sure she thought she was pretty clever finding just the perfect place to nest.
Of course I swooped her up and scolded her (after I ran and grabbed my camera for this evidential photo.)
But it can't be as bad as the places Henry finds to nest sometimes, which are just plain strange.
This is a plastic bag that he found pretty cozy for some reason.
And later, a box that he snuggled his way into. He got mad when I started pushing him around the room making *vroom *vroom sounds.
And don't get me started on Ashland's nesting habits. What a baby.
Now I'm starting to feel tired and just want to go burrow my way under the covers of our massive and exceptionally comfortable bed.
I have 30 minutes until I have to leave for work.
I love it! Super cute and they are just so sweet! Even when they are being evil... :)
What a title... I had to read just because I needed to see if it was YOU that was nesting. I guess you aren't pregos then huh? haha
Didn't you know that plastic bags are the best place to nap? Ah ha ha
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