All the statements on this blog are strictly my own opinion. All images are mine unless otherwise noted. Many images I use have been collected over the years and their owners are unknown to me. If I have used one of your images and you wish me to take it down, please send me an email.
I don't mind sharing but if you use something from my site, please be kind by crediting it and linking back to candy.
Oooooohhhhh someone's in truh-bol!
Happy dogs!
My little guy has found a nice dirt spot to roll in, so now when we pet him, dust "poofs" off in a nice cloud. Lol.
I know two dogs that are in big trouble!
Hi! I found your blog on the Thirsty Thursday blog hop & i'm following you now. Have a fab Friday & enjoy your weekend! =D
WinItMama WINS
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