It's Friday! And you know what that's Flashback time!
For those of you that know me well, you know that I have an extreme love for Dr. Pepper.
But did you know that it wasn't always that way?
I used to hate Dr. Pepper actually. My infatuation used to be with Rootbeer. My love for Rootbeer started at a young age.
I thought it would always be Rootbeer, but somewhere along the line Dr. Pepper took the lead. Now I rarely ever drink Rootbeer.
Wonder if anything else will ever boot Dr. Pepper from the top spot.
What's your current food/drink infatuation?
Ah for me lately it's been Indian food. I've been into trying new things and lately that has been my craving. Though I can never deny the awesomeness that is sushi... MMM.... :)
Oh! A baby drinking out of a can! I know it's cute but didn't anybody ever thought you could cut your lip with that? :S
LOLOL! I love this picture! I can't get enough of buttermilk sauce from Jack in the Box. ohhh yummy yum yum
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