But it's probably a good thing that he's gone, considering I need to focus all my time and energy into preparing for finals. If he were here, I'd just want to spend all my time with him. But this week I can't afford to ignore school.
At least we can chat online and send pics via webcam, when I'm taking a break. Makes it seem like he's not so far away after all.

I'm not completely alone though. This is Henry pouting on the other side of the room after I shoo-ed him off my desk. He likes to lay on my books.

Aw, Henry is such a cutie!!!
My boyfriend and I have been apart for two months now...skype and msn is the way we see each other...we even fall asleep on cam every night..sigh
HA Henry is hilarious! Yes they do tend to like to lie down right on the thing you need the most.
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